SparkTruck is a prototyping shop on wheels that's been traveling the country since 2012, instilling confidence in kids through hands-on workshops.
Role: Co-founder and Director of Operations
15,323 miles in a truck
SparkTruck's first summer trip was 4 months long, and came on the heels of a successful Kickstarter campaign, and several invites from schools across America.
Maker tools
The truck is outfitted with 3D printers, a laser cutter, and tons of post-its. Perfect for sparking creativity in young minds.
200+ workshops in a summer
We stopped at libraries, schools, museums, and a TV show or two, spreading prototyping mindsets wherever we went.
On the road again
As the inaugural summer wound down, we wanted to see SparkTruck's work continue, so we used our remaining funds to create a new program, and trained the next summer's crew. The truck is still in use, and now at SMU where it continues to run maker education workshops.